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Memorial Day Weekend Trip - 2005
Sawbill Trail, Kawishiwi Lake, Lake Superior shoreline and Grand Portage Indian Reservation.
May 27-28, 2005

The "Watershed" lookout just north of Carlton Peak on the Sawbill Trail. A pond on a mystery Forest Road about 18 miles south of Kawishiwi Lake.
I camped on a hill above here.
This was on River Cross Road.
My campsite on Friday night after a long drive through strange back roads... My Honda went up and over this no problem, once I got back in and just hit it.
Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi Lake
Really fresh moose poop! I ran over it with my Honda and then got out and took a nice photo.
The sign proclaiming the mythical abandoned logging train...somewhere in these woods.
Lake Superior shoreline
Grand Portage Indian Reservation map. Note that the Grand Portage Trail National Monument is not even marked on their map. It is just east of the "You Are Here" marker where I was.
A large rock that was in my way as I was driving in to Partridge Falls on the Rez.
My only guess is that this is a fish farming pond. Minnows for bait?
The cabin at Partridge Falls on the Pigeon River.
Interior of the cabin.
Interior of the cabin.
The view of the Pigeon River and the Canadian side.
Self portrait off the back window of my Honda
Self portrait off the back window of my Honda
Partridge Falls on the Pigeon River
Watch yer step there, buddy...
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