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Weekend in the North Country 2003
Linda, Drew and Ben discussing the fine art of being a Poobah, and telling Ben that he hasn't done "shit" as a Grand poobah quite yet. Drew and Ben Ben enjoying the mysticism of good fast skis on really cold snow. He smoked us all on the trail, I kid you not.
Ben trying to convince us of something important. Ben turning around on skis, right when the Lake Dragon broke through the ice just to the right of his current position. It killed several others after this photo was taken. Ben, Linda and Mike
Ben, Scott and Mike (Linda still had energy, and left the picture to ski on the lake) Shirley, Steve and Ben, enjoying a smoke in the garage before the "big ski" A moment of fine wine, good Kentucky bourbon, brie and crackers and good times, right before the amazing prime rib dinner was served.
It was one of those Full Moon nights on Saturday night. The group after the first linear ski into the BWCA on the tracked ski trail. This is the one that Ben led, and his wax was sailing him along on the cold crystal snow like the wind...but we all met together here and had a little moment. I took the photo, but I was still in the "huddle" so to speak. The shanty, also known as the hovel. It was just ten boards leaning on each other, and the McDonald's think of it as a home.
The kitchen inside of the little shack. Not much luxury. Pretty shabby interior, obviously. Look up "roughing it" in the dictionary, and they use this photo. I think we all felt quite deprived. A typical view of the surroundings after a short ski from the house. Not bad for a back yard.  Linda showing us all how it is done. Linda declined once to lead the trail, saying, "No, I am slow." When she accidentally got in front of the herd once, she went about 20 mph and didn't even break a sweat.
Linda and Ben, discussing the joys of eating a 38-oz. slab of prime rib and two baked potatoes with sour cream. Nancy following Ben and Tony down the lake, but on snowshoes, and not skis. We outpaced her, but she still caught up to us at the Palisades. Notice the tiny little human that is Ben, skiing at the lower left, to put this talus field into proper scale.
The same talus field, looking straight up. There is nothing in the photo to give it scale, but it is many hundreds of feet high. Steve and Gwen in the kitchen Steve going downhill at the edge of the lake. It looks like he is doing something silly, but he actually just didn't want to look at the camera.
Wanda and Scott. Wanda is saying something profound, of course, and Scott is pretending to think that he is paying attention. Ms. Outdoor Enthusiast, Wanda Hoffland. Tony told her she looked like the 1883 Minnesota Lumber Camp Poster Queen, and she laughed and stabbed him quickly with a sharp fibreglass ski pole and skated across the thin snow cover of the lake.  Wanda really likes it when you stroke her braided pigtails, don't ya know?
Wanda being Wanda. You can tell from this last photo in the gallery that nobody really had a good time, and the entire trip sucked quite a bit. This gallery is dedicated to Steve and Linda. What a wonderful time I had, as did everyone else in our fine group of friends. A good time was had by all, and we all seriously appreciated your incredible hospitality!

Thank you!


Copyright © 2003 Tony Rogers